Newsletter Policy

Information regarding the processing of personal data (Art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 "GDPR") – Newsletter

Data Controller and Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Antheia srl: Via XXIV Maggio, 86 – 86170 ISERNIA –

Definition of “Data”

"Data" means common data related to individuals processed such as e-mail address.

Purpose of Processing

Sending newsletters and marketing communications through company channels including e-mail and social platforms.

Legal Basis for processing

Optional consent and revocable at any time.

Data Retention Period

The collected Data will be retained until you request to unsubscribe from the newsletter service

Once the above retention periods have expired, the Data will be destroyed, deleted or anonymized, consistent with the technical procedures for deletion and backup.

All of your Personal Data will be stored in our databases and will be protected in the manner provided for by current legislation and the provisions of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data and will be processed on paper, and/or by means of computer and telematic tools, in compliance with the guarantees of confidentiality and appropriate security measures in accordance with the indications of Section 2 art. 32-33-34 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016.

Provision of Data

We inform you that consent is the basis of legitimacy of the above-mentioned processing, pursuant to Article 6.1 letter a) of the Regulations.
We inform you that the provision of the e-mail address for the above purpose is optional;
any refusal to provide it implies the impossibility of sending you the Newsletter and marketing initiatives. Furthermore, in order to comply with legal obligations, regulations and EU legislation, to assert or defend rights in court, to pursue legitimate interests and in all cases provided for in Articles 6 and 9 of the Regulations, where applicable, the data could be processed even without prior consent.


To stop receiving the newsletter, you can click on the appropriate link in each e mail or write to

Recipients of Data

The data may be processed, on behalf of the owner, by third party companies and consultants that provide Antheia srl: services related and/or instrumental to the activities indicated in the statement, such as, by way of example but not limited to, companies that perform the service of management and/or maintenance of the website and marketing service companies.

The data may be communicated to subjects operating as data controllers (such as, by way of example, supervisory and control authorities and any public subject entitled to request the data).

Persons authorized to process

Persons authorized to process the Data

The data may be processed by employees of the company functions assigned to the pursuit of the above purposes, who have been expressly authorized to process the data and have received appropriate operational instructions.

Transfer of personal data to countries outside the European Union

Data may be transferred abroad to countries outside Europe, and in particular to Switzerland, whose level of data protection has been deemed adequate by the European Commission under Article 45 of the GDPR."

Rights of the data subject and complaint to the supervisory authority

By contacting the owner by e-mail at, data subjects may request access to the Data concerning them, their rectification, integration or deletion, the rectification of inaccurate data, the integration of incomplete data, and the restriction of processing in the cases provided for in Article 18 GDPR.

Data subjects also have the right, in cases where the processing is based on consent or contract and is carried out by automated means, to receive in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format the data, as well as, if technically feasible, to transmit them to another data controller without hindrance.

Data subjects have the right to withdraw their consent at any time, as well as to object to processing carried out in pursuit of the legitimate interest of the data controller.

Data subjects have the right to object to processing in cases of legitimate interest of the data controller for reasons related to the particular situation.

Data subjects have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority in the Member State where they usually reside or work or the State where the alleged infringement occurred.
